Hot steaming in the Press Kettle

I shed a little tear for Comedian turn dancer Maggie Choi   who was sent packing last evening.  She wasn’t great that last night, she was so much out of sync but she was fun to watch.  She appeared to be having a ball on the dance floor, showing off her gay colours and standing up to discrimination and harassment of Tyrrell Clementi.  Said Maggie Cho: “I thought the judges were really hard on me, but I think you were hard on me because you could see that I am a dancer for real,” she said. “And I thank you for that. I will take that with me forever.” Take heart Maggie next week it will be someone else’s turn to go!

Good news too for Michael Douglas whose cancer treatment came to an end. Douglas underwent chemo and radiation therapies to battle his cancer and doctors are pleased with the result. Let’s hope Mike will be around for a while yet.

George Clooney is off to real work in Sudan to work with those who are suffering from the perils of war.  Clooney spent the past week traveling to remote, conflict-prone areas of Sudan’s south with  John Prendergast, the founder of the Enough Project, an anti-genocide advocacy group. Thanks George for caring enough to leave Hollywood for the good of others.

Mel Gibson’s Ex-girlfriend, Osana Grigoviera will have to have a rain check with Oprah as she has been barred by a LA Judge from appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Gibson’s ex has charge him with beating up on her and are fighting for custody of their daughter Lucia.

Going to the Western Canada Music Award – Check out Maiko Watson who will be performing in Kelowna BC as part of the festival. Watson is one of this year’s nominees. 

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