Mrs Clarence Thomas and a can of Worms

Mrs. Thomas trying to defend her man has opened a can of worms in the process and the spotlight is on them and who knows where this would lead. Obviously Mrs. Thomas does not know her husband or like most people of privilege can afford to be naive about the ways of the world. Good luck Mrs. Thomas and in future I would encourage you to stick to what you know best, you obviously don’t know Mr. Clarence Thomas!

Oops! Ginni Thomas Voicemail Opens Can of Worms: Fetishes, Tea Party Ties and More « SpeakEasy

The deception of dollar stores

Who benefits and who loses from cheap goods you buy in the store. Read this article and see if it is fair to want to live off the sweat of others. While we rush into the dollar stores, workers are having to suffer because of it, from low wages, no benefits and working poor, while the owners of these business rake in millions. This must stop. We are not helping the planet by help these greedy entrepreneurs who skin the backs off their workers so they can add to their billions.

Dollar Stores Reap ‘Super-Profits’ By Exploiting Their Own Workers AlterNet

Women’s rights are slip-sliding away

Women are losing ground – get a grip feminists!  It takes a lot of work and vigilance. Our young women have to step up to the plate and stop burying their heads in the sand, thinking that women have arrived. Nothing is ever arrived. Everything is a work in progress and when you snooze you lose.  If women are not to lose ground and have another generation of women starting from the ground up then they have to ensure that the right people are elected that would move women’s agenda forward, they have to keep their focus on equality and do not back down. Men and women are equal, like two wings of a bird. Keeping women down only keeps the planet down. So let’s keep the heat up.